Lyrics v5

Lyrics - Paroles de chansons

Des milliers de paroles de chansons (lyrics), albums complets et pochettes (covers) des albums


1. Overture in E minor
People in my face
Understand I need my place
You take use and abuse
Never give nothing in return
I think you like to burn.

I do as I must
I swallow shit, I don't fuss -
Don't think - don't care -
Just sit there and act unaware
Of what's been going on.

It's not my fault you're fucked up
I feel like you're laughing at me
It's as if you don't give a shit
If that's the way things will be
Then you will see.

One day if you ever need help
And you ask me
I'll close the door in your face
And say, "Goodbye, asshole"
2. Rigpa
Shine on the dying
I lament for our suffering children
I lament for the pain that we give them

Raise your humanity
Above your vanity
And all this insanity
3. Eastcoast
Another day, another point of view:
Two friends no longer get along.
I haven't changed, so what happened to you ?
The attitude you had is gone
Say things but don't know what they mean -
You lie.

You values all come from magazines
You should try to think for yourself
It's really sad to see what you've become
I still believe what I believe
We used to rock when we were young
Two upstarts in the hardcore scene
Never regret.

East coast, mother fucker
How soon you forget
To think for yourself

Another wasted day
That you've let slip away
We're losing time
Eight years have come and gone
You think your work is done
But I'm trying
Your bullshit trip is out of control
It's all wrong
You're digging yourself into a hole
From now on
You'll have to speak for yourself
4. No sympathy
All the people
With the backwards attitude
Pointing fingers
And that's a bad excuse for
Sitting on your ass while you complain
The stupid things
That you don't want to change
If you ain't got no time for me
Then I ain't got no sympathy for you

You're painting pictures
Of how the world should be
But in your vision
There ain't no room for me
So why don't you just go and start again
Go ahead and find someone else to blame
And if you ask the reason why
Face the facts - we don't see eye to eye.

All the people
Whose views will never change
Why don't you just go and start again
Go ahead find someone else to blame
If you ain't got no time for me
I don't need your sympathy
So why don't you just go and start again
Go ahead and find someone else to blame
If you ain't got no time for me
Then I ain't got no sympathy for you
5. Self-inflicted stress
Didn't expect to see
That you'd even care
Thought that I was free
Anytime and everywhere
A lesson I can learn
And give one in return
Listen to what you say
Are you sure you feel that way
I can only give so much
As hard as I might try
But you can't get enough
Of anything to satisfy
No wonder you're a mess
Self-inflicted stress

Can't get no relief
Condemn yourself to grief
Now I see the light
That lies within eyes
It's not that you're not right
But you must realize
We waste our time and fight
It's not always black or white
A zone between exists
No matter how hard I insist
You'd rather look away
Push me on the outside
Make me swallow my pride
Then pretend that it's okay
6. Le gouvernement songe
Le gouvernement songe
A tous les jours on s'enfonce
On ferme les yeux pis on plonge
Dans le gouvernemensonge

Our shame is growing
Our blood is flowing
Our graves are open and waiting
Feel only contempt when I look at you

Regarde le presid'enfer
A tous les jours on en perd
On laisse le président faire
A tous les jours on s'laisse faire
Ma terre détruite
Remplacée, reconstruite
D'état d'hypocrites meutriers

Feel only contempt when I look at you
And I think of all the good that you could do
Cheat a man to feed the hand of power

Leur économinefficace
Un niveau d'vie pour chaque classe
Ou l'égalité n'a pas de place
La soumission sous la menace
J'ai tellement honte
D'entendre ce que raconte
Les gouvernements du monde, meurtriers
Et je ne ressens que le mépris pour vous
La peau de vos enfants pendue à votre cou
Quand je crève de faim je pense à vous
Quand il ne reste plus rien c'est que vous avez tout

Everything the governments say
Lie, it's all a fucking lie!
7. La vache
Formidable petit frère vous avez bousillé la terre fusillé notre mère
Et l'amour qu'on t'a tant prêché savais-tu qu'on voulait l'empêcher
On encourage la déception un desespoir né d'illusions où le courage est l'exception
Tous les pouvoirs sont contre toi des millénaires de mauvaise foi
Ah putaing l'enculé, ché pas eeuhh
L'enculé, la vache

Les complots de la milice et leurs complices dans la police si plein de paroles destructrices
Misérables vers de terre qui risquent à chaque jour de taire la poésie de l'univers
Yeah, j'ai tout compris, Yeah, c'est clair
Tous les pouvoirs sont contre moi des millionaires du mauvaise foi
Ah putaing l'enculé, ché pas eeuhh
L'enculé, la vache

Degueulé par l'idiotie de nos petits amis
Les politiciens sont désengagés de reconnaître
La vraie raison d'légaliser
Mon proverbe c'est comme la vache k'yé dans un pré
On a la droit de brouter l'herbe
Mais malheureusement on n'a pas la droit de la fumer
Mais ça vaut pas la peine, vaut pas la peine, vaut pas la peine,
De trop s'en faire car on est la pour en déranger kek'tete enflé
Qui nous font chier
Cé ça qu'on va faire, ça qu'on va faire, ça qu'on va faire
Déranger, jusqu'à temps qu'ils vont en venir par s'résigner
Ah putaing l'enculé, ché pas eeuhh
L'enculé, la vache
8. Lord Ogre
The orcs stand low beneath him
Awaiting his command
This day he'll long remember
For Lord Ogre is at hand
Bella Lugosi and
Moonglum understand
Lord Ogre has returned
To take control of his land
Lord Ogre

Celene is deep in trouble
For the orcs are on their way
"Rape and pillage" is what Ogre has to say
"Rise above and crucify all those in our path
When we reach poor Enstad
They will feel our wrath"
Lord Ogre

Lord Ogre has acquired
New powers to his name
His friends and foes have realized
He's really not the same
He's travelled through the planes of hell
Learned the powers of deception
His friends with fear of war at hand
Have staged his resurrection...
Lord Ogre

Lord Ogre has returned to our time and to our plane
His absence was disturbing
He will never be the same
More power than he's ever had
More armies to control
His resurrection glorified
The powers of his soul
Lord Ogre

The orcs go marching one by one
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The orcs go marching one by one
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The orcs go marching one by one
The little one stops to kill his mom
And they all go marching
Down to a hole in the ground
9. Dead-end violence
The abused are the accused
They stand the trial of pain
You the crown that strikes them down
You sentence them to shame
All of you know the ugly truth
So speak up now
Gotta rise to the defence of the innocent
And pass the judgment down

No matter what you're trying to do
Or what you're trying to prove
There's no excuse you never use violence

Be a warrior of peace
If you want to walk with me
Dead end violence

The tough guy hype and stereotype
Ain't making you a man
Real strength is in restraint
It's time you understand
All that booze that lights your fuse
Is screw up number one
Never hit your wife never hit your son
Never fucking hit anyone

No matter what you think you do
Or what you think you prove
There's no excuse you never use violence

You'd think you'd been around
Long enough to know
What it is to hurt
To feel your world blow

Be a warrior of peace
If you want to walk with me
Dead end violence stop
10. Dope vibe moon
This guy attacked me
But said I blew his mind
We became friends in good time
He said play a fat beat
And don't be shy
You'd be surprised what you'd find
This ain't no compliment
It's justice you will see
Now just take it away baby

I feel a presence I don't know
And the mystic wind is blowin'
Dope vibe moon
Now if you trust me
I won't tell you what to do, but
I'll put this mood into you
And if you must see proof
Your judgment is the best
Put this mood to the test
This ain't no compliment
It's justice you will see
Take the guitar and play baby

I can feel my tube amp glow
I can feel the music flowing
Dope vibe moon

When the moon's in phase
You catch a unique vibe
Your guitar takes us for a ride
When your lucky stars
Are singing from above
We feel the power of love
This ain't no compliment
It's justice you will see
Now just take it away baby
11. Feeling severe
What's wrong, you feeling sad, depressed ?
It ain't so bad
Look at you, you're still the same
You're not going insane...
Get it together
Concentrate don't lose control
Blinded you're insecure
Feeling so severe
That you can't even get to sleep at night
So you are all screwed up

No matter what you do
No matter what you choose
Lost and confused
You'll always lose

Beat my fist against the wall
I can't take this shit at all
Between two choices I am stuck
Neither of which pleases me much
Ask me why I'm so pissed off
Could it be I'm just fed up

Get my feet back on the ground
Get my mind thinking straight
Things are getting better every day
I'm finally doing things my way
Feeling pretty good about myself
I'm a stuck up son of a bitch and I'm proud
Play my music loud
And I find the answers in every single song

Shattered your hopes are crushed
Where is your self-esteem
Wake up it's not a dream
It's really what it seems!
12. Brussels 109
I've been away
I've been down on my luck...
And I almost died...
I was away and I called home
I was on a highway phone
And I did not see
That a speeding car had come at me
A speeding car which came at me
I want another daydream
I want another slacker life
I almost died today
But indeed I walked away

I am ignorant too
And just as flaky as you
I want another daydream
I want another slacker life
I almost died today
But indeed I walked away

Sometimes it's hard to see
Why indeed we should all
Love it here ?
I was stranded on the road
And I almost froze
When I tried to sleep
My girlfriend's voice on the phone
It was dark I was alone
And I did not see a speeding car that came at me
The speeding car which came at me

I want another daydream
I want another slacker life
13. P.C.P.
Me dijeron que andabas bien baracho
¡Re te bien, re te bien gacho! -- Parece que planabas otra ves
Tus ojitos de idiotita tan perdido
¡Ay que gasto! - ¡Desperdicio! ¡Despilsarro!
Ademas de tu vida que te empeñas en desirme
¡Que la culpa no es la tuya! - ¿ Que la culpa es la mia ?
Que averte sin moberte tan botado
¡Pobre imbecil! - Los años van a pasar
Y un dia reventir...

Take a good look at yourself and tell me what you see
You're just another wasted youth on PCP
You're drooling on yourself, you got snots on your face
You can't walk straight you're falling all over the place
I don't give a damn. It's your life, it's your right
Yer part of a generation with no future in sight
Yer tripping, yer slipping, yer fuckin' up your mind
Stay away from me man 'cause I hate your fucking kind

You're on dope, there's no hope. Strung out again you are fuckin' up big time
Lost in space what a waste. You're falling on your face again frosted flake
Can't you see look at you, where will you end up, I don't know
It's your life, it's your trip.
And you're doin' nothing of your goddamn mind
That's right, your goddamn mind - Skank up!

You're all stupid and pathetic cause you blew your fuse
Now there's no turning back, there's no use
You think you're a rebel but you're just a clown
Keep on doing that shit you're going down, down, down
Raping yer mind turning into vegetable matter
Doing nothing except making your dealer's ass fatter
No stash, no cash. So cocks you will blow
I'm gonna love saying this but I told you so

ça fait trop longtemps ke l'monde est pareil
Toi tu donne l'exemple d'un monde sans éveil
On a besoin d'toi, yé temps k'tu t'réveilles
Pour changer notre monde, pour changer nos manières
Amène toi donc, amène toi vers l'espoir
D'un nouveau trip, un trip sans la déboire
Ben gelé sa mess, B.S.
Dis moi donc ski t'fais chier
14. Colorblind
Clenched fists of proud nationalists
Keep your prejudiced conscience blind
The paranoid dreams of fascist regimes
running wild in your mind
On their knees minorities start to crawl
Single out men, humiliate them,
Bringing down everyone
Spit in my face, shit on my race,
Lord what have you done
I am not your enemy

Another race, another colour,
It's a disgrace we fight each other
You are my sister, you are my brother,
We gotta stop killing each other
It's such a simple thing
Respect a human being
It's not so hard you'll see
Just respect me

Naked to the gaze of time,
We're all colour blind, we're all praised
Look into my eyes and revolutionize
the house in which you've been raised
No one is your enemy, it's all a lie
I am not the enemy you must fight
This is a revolution
Rejecting the institutions of hate

This is a revolution
This is the one solution
A positive contribution
To forward our evolution
An end to hatred
A step for humankind
A brighter future
It's all a state of mind
15. Inner piece
Bailan, Bailan
Why don't we try to eliminate hate ?
We are one people, oh mama
A planetary nation, oh mama
Sharing the abundance for the greater need

Try to put us down
To screw us in the ground
But it's not how we want to be
Try to shut us out, to lose I in a crowd
But it's not I reality

Feeling high
Why don't we live in joy and happiness
And we try to forget the rest
Living on the edge
Can't take my inner piece
Politician, industry, television, can you see
Who is in control we must break free
16. Fat Al's illness
You dirty old man
now you know you got it
Once you've caught it
nothing can be done
It's fatal and it's fast
so look back into the past
Realize you're not the only one
You cannot escape the fatal illness
You realize there's nothing you can do
Took you by surprise
Won't leave you 'till you die
There's a fuckin' fatal illness on you!

Poor big fat Al
With a fatal illness on his hands
Too late for him now
At least he understands

Doctors told you everything about it
There's no cure and now
you are going to die
Take the time you got
and smoke a lot of pot
Have a fucking party to say goodbye

Way big fat Al
With a fatal illness on his hands
Too late for him now
At least he understands
it's the end